Sunday, March 18, 2012

Quiet Sunday

This morning I taught Relief Society. It was the lesson on sustaining our church leaders. When I first read it I thought it would be hard to make it into an interesting lesson, but I was determined to have learning activities that didn't involve too much reading out of the lesson manual.

I had the bishop's wife tell about her impassioned plea for support when they were first called two years ago. In reference to succession in the presidency, I read a list of all the apostles and had them raise their hand when they heard the name of one who became a prophet. For the section on being warned by the prophet or asked to do something, I passed out slips of paper and pens and had them write down either something they have problems following the church leaders on, or something they were asked to do and the results of doing or not doing it. I read some of the responses aloud and the ladies really liked that part. I had time to read only about eight of them before we were out of time. I couldn't believe it had gone so fast! And in the closing prayer the sweet sister thanked Heavenly Father that "Katie made learning so fun." That made my day!

After dinner Conor made chocolate chip cookies from a mix Bill and I found at Grocery Outlet. It was really delicious and I'm thinking we might need to go back and buy a couple more.
That store is kind of dangerous to our bank account because we're working on improving our year's supply of food and you never know what Grocery Outlet will have on an outstanding sale and then we'd just *have* to stock up!

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