Sunday, February 26, 2012

Stake Choir

We have a great conductor and an enthusiastic choir of about 75 voices assembled for stake conference next weekend. Stake conference is when 8-12 LDS wards (congregations) meet. It's twice a year and always has excellent music. Our next stake conference is next weekend and I'm in the choir again. It's by invitation and there aren't enough invitations for everyone who wants to sing, so I'm always glad when I'm asked.

The three pieces focus on testimony and missionary work, two important themes in the LDS Church. In addition, the first is what I call a "Zion" piece and it's fast and upbeat and my favorite:
Next is another upbeat piece with a Zion feel to it and a focus on missionary work:
This the front page of the last which is a sweet hymn expressing the elements of a testimony of God and Jesus Christ:
In addition there will be two congregational hymns. Five hymns in two hours--I'll be in heaven!

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